Alu-Cab Wolf Pack Box Slide

Alu-Cab Wolf Pack Box Slide


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Alu-Cab Wolf Pack Box Slide

The Wolf Pack Box Slide (aka Ammo Box Slide) is a great packing solution that positions at the front end of the canopy, sitting just behind the driver’s cab. The ideal position to store extra gear as it keeps added weight further forward in the vehicle thus helping to balance the vehicle better.

Running from side to side, left to right. Makes for easy access.  It is designed in such a manner that it can be bolted into the canopy after fitment of the canopy. The beauty of the slide is that it takes up to 2 boxes across the base and 2 stacked on top of one another therefore 4 in total.

Another bonus about the Wolf Pack Box Slide that people often overlook is that the position of the Wolf Pack Box Slide makes use of an area in the canopy that one normally battles to make use of. This product also works in conjunction with other products we have on offer for the canopy so that once you are geared up all your equipment is stored in its position safe and sound and easy to find. Undoubtably the way it should be when heading overland. Everything having a place.

A point to consider when overlanding is that 4 Wolf Pack Cargo Boxes can be a great solution for you and your family, depending on the size. We suggest to mark them with a number and then allocate each box to a family member.


  • Constructed entirely from 6061 Grade Aluminium (apart from the mounting hardware)
  • The mounting kit is made from 304 Stainless Steel
  • The slide is fitted to any Gen 3 Alu-Cab Canopy, via standard nut slots.


Cap-it is the Alu-Cab Exclusive Distributor for Western Canada
Made in South Africa 🇿🇦 | Imported direct to Canada 🇨🇦

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